Not an entirely random name for a blog, but close. I am not a goat herder - in the usual meaning of that word; nor does the Urban Dictionary definition apply to me either (for a decade at least): an extremely drunk male who having lost all self-respect and standards, loses his powers of discrimination when pulling females. It is said that Gateshead derives its name from a settlement near an early Tyne crossing where goats once roamed. The goats are long gone, but me - I like to roam these parts - or rather run - exploring new places, rediscovering old ones in and around Gateshead and Newcastle when I'm out jogging. This blog is a collection of my photos, thoughts, observations, rants, loves and hates about Newcastle and Gateshead.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Trainspotting: Metro No. 4001 still in service

I would recognise that dirty battered livery anywhere, and the old Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Authority logo is a dead giveaway. I'm waiting at Monument Metro station in the centre of Newcatle, for the first time in a long time, counting down the Metro-time minutes till my train arrives. Metro-Time (the displayed minutes between trains) feels like the ratio of dog years to human years .  A metro pulls into the station and I look up to see if it's mine; it's not, but a cursory glance at the rear carriage in the set (yes, the metro comprises two carriages known as a set) and I get an immediate sense of familiarity and recognition, a certain frisson perhaps.

I checked the number on the side of the carriage, just to be sure, even though deep on my heart I didn't need to. It was indeed the 4001. One of the first metro carriages if not the first one in operation. 35 year old and still going strong. Woohoo!  I was slightly taken aback that I knew this fact and recognised the train, but disturbed at the obvious pleasure it brought me - it was like seeing an old friend. It cheered me up. I think I must be a closet train spotter. Such a perfect day!

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