There used to be a music shop on Gallowgate, on the ground floor of International House, where I used to go to to by guitar strings and sheet music in the 1980s. Upstairs in the shop, I was intrigued to find an old stone wall with a hand written card attached to it describing that this was part of the old city walls. I loved that - the unexpected discovery of something historic and ancient in such a mundane setting - a bit like seeing parts of the Roman wall next to a housing estate in Denton Burn on the West Road A69 out of the city.
The music shop was replaced by an electrical shop "Electromode" in the 1990s and I was pleased to discover that the wall and the same placard were still there. Not sure what is there now (Global Cafe on the ground floor) but I wonder whether they still have the brickwork exposed?
As you can see in the photos, the rear wall of the Gallowgate buildings are built partially on the 13th Town Wall.
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